Holiday seasons are extra celebratory and special, making it the perfect time of year to propose to your loved one. Not only can the holidays be extremely romantic, the festive vibes, twinkling lights, chilly weather, and beautiful decorations can make your proposal that more meaningful. We've pulled together five handy tips to pull off the perfect holiday proposal!
1. Understand if Your Loved One Wants an Audience.
Before you pop the question in front of your extended family or a large crowd of people, make sure that's what your loved one actually wants. It is no doubt that public proposals are a favorite amongst many people, but not everyone dreams of getting engaged in front of their friends and family. Ask your partner questions or talk to their family and friends in advance to get a better idea if an audience is right or not for your proposal.
2. Ensure the Moment is Yours!
To be on the safe side, make sure no other friends or family members are planning a proposal during the holiday season. Holiday proposals are extremely popular, so make sure the coast is clear before you pop the question! The last thing you want is to plan the perfect proposal with the ring in your pocket only to be beaten to the punch by another friend or family member.
3. Time it Right.
The holiday's can be such a busy time of the year. From large family gatherings to New Year's Eve parties, it is important to think through every possible scenario that can occur to ensure your moment will be magical, memorable, while also practical for you and your loved one.
4. Get Help from Others.
If you choose to propose in front of family and friends or a larger audience, make sure to have the crowd help make the special moment magical. We suggest you have at least 1-2 close friends or family members in the loop who you can trust to help coordinate the proposal. By having others help you, you can ensure the proposal will go off without a hitch.
5. Don't Limit your Options.
Your holiday proposal doesn't have to be on Christmas morning or New Year's Eve. It's the sweet and simple moments in between that can the perfect time for you to propose. Think of a picnic under the Christmas tree, a brunch with the family, an afternoon hike, or a drive around town looking at Christmas lights. These special moments can make your proposal oh so magical!